Major changes to the SA DAMA Occupations list

DAMA Occupations list: The first annual review has been conducted for DAMA. Several new occupations have been added to the DAMA occupation list of South Australia. The new occupations will focus on the critical sectors such as health care, manufacturing, high-tech sectors, agribusiness and food production. Full DAMA list is available here.

Concessions and PR Pathways: There are additional English language and age concessions available for the applicants. Permanent visa is also eligible for the English language and age concessions. There has been changes to the work experience requirements, making it easy for the international graduates to meet the eligibility requirement. All DAMA occupations listed will now offer a permanent residency pathway either through the Temporary Skill Shortage visa or the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional visa.  

Skills Assessing Authority: The South Australian Government has been approved to act as a skills assessing authority for occupations that require a skills assessment that currently has no alternative skills assessment authority. 


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